People with bipolar disorder are notorious for their unkind words and actions. But I am the child of 10,000 questions. I asked the Lord, "Does bipolar disorder make a person mean?"
It just gives freer expression to what's already inside.
"OK. I get that. Jesus said, "Out of the fullness of the heart the mouth speaks." But is a person with bipolar disorder destined for a life of dysfunction and broken relationships?"
It's a predilection*, not a destiny.
* DEFINITION: predilection is a tendency, proclivity, predisposition, or inclination
Sometime later, when I was reading about relationships in the Bible, I asked God, "These rules work for normal people. But what about someone with bipolar disorder?"
The same rules apply.
That makes sense. God didn't write two Bibles, one for normal people and another for those suffering from a mental illness. His Word applies to all people in all situations - without exception. People with a mood or personality disorder may be handicapped, but they are not helpless. I respect the honest woman who said,
"Bipolar disorder might explain why I do certain things. But it doesn't excuse them."
God can work with an honest person. But what He can do with a person who is in denial?