From the start, I gave you love and compassion. I now magnify it. It is to be cherished, never to be taken for granted. There will come about because of your new found love for me a price to be paid. My ways are not easy. They do not always follow a crowd, but you never stood alone, even in church. I stood you up for a purpose, my purpose, because you hungered and surrendered to me, though you slipped away at times. You asked me to draw you back, but it was I who drew you back. Behold the Lamb is white and spotless and without blemish. My people will bow to me, for I am worthy to be praised. I made the heavens and all creation, and my glory shall be returned. I will write my ways upon the hearts of my own. My own know me, and I know mine. No longer will my voice not be heard. No longer will ears be deaf to my words. Eyes shall be opened to behold my glory. Then sin shall be devoured and trampled on as dogs for the LION OF JUDAH shall reign. The tempest of the storm shall be ceased and the LION shall be forevermore. My intent is that my HOLY POWER, my NAME, and GLORY shall be made manifest in the earth as in the past. The time for preparation is at hand. Do not doubt my word you have received. Do NOT doubt my HOLY SPIRIT power that works in you. No child of mine is insufficient in my eyes. You have believed and you shall receive. It must be a steadfast, obedient, and unwavering walk. Only I can lead and I can take away.