Once Saved Always Saved?


Job 42:3 NIV - "Surely I spoke of things I did not understand."

Differences of Opinion - I got interested in the doctrine OSAS ("Once Saved, Always Saved") because of a "pet peeve" of mine. Specifically, as a scientist and engineer I have been trained to listen objectively to both sides of an argument - not just to the side I favor or understand better. But most pastors teach their members only those Bible verses that support their denominational position on OSAS. That is not intellectually honest! It is an example of "cherry picking" through the Bible, picking the verses you like and discarding the rest. Consequently, many Christians are unaware that there are actually numerous verses to support both views, pro or con. That is why denominations are so sharply divided on this doctrine. Below are some of the verses that are commonly used to support the two opposing views on OSAS. In many cases it wasn't clear to me that certain verses actually supported the intended viewpoint - except if you read more into it than the text actually says!

Pro OSAS John 6:39-40, 1 John 5:1, John 10:28-29, Ephesians 1:12-14, Romans 8:38-39, Romans 11:29, John 6:47, John 3:36, 1 John 5:13, John 5:24.

Con OSAS Hebrews 3:12, Hebrews 10:26-29, 2 Peter 2:20-22, Galatians 5:1-4 James 5:19-20, 1 Corinthians 10:12, John 15:16, Rom 8:12-13 & 11:19-22, 2 Pet 1:2-11, Heb 6:4-8, 10:26-39, John 10:26-29, Jude 1:24-25, 1 Tim 1:119, Col 1:21-23, 1 Cor 6:9-11, Phil 2:12, Rev 3:5.

What Did the Early Church Believe? - The doctrine of OSAS was not taught by the early church, nor for that manner by any well-known theologian before John Calvin (1509-1564). Calvin was also the proponent of two other new doctrines: "Predestination" and "Cessationism."

Predestination (a.k.a. election or "Calvanism") goes one step further than OSAS. It is the doctrine that God has already determined ahead of time who will be saved and who will be destined for Hell - and that people have no free will or choice when it comes to their salvation. Consequently, there is no point in evangelism and working in the soul harvest, the Great Commandment of Matthew 28 - because everything has already been predestined by God. And there is nothing anyone can do to change it.

Cessationism is the doctrine that the Gifts of the Spirit died out after the days of the early church and are no longer operative. But many of us can personally testify that Cessationism is NOT true! Just because the tracks don't go by your house John Calvin doesn't mean there's no train!

My Response to OSAS - The people who ought to know are clearly confused. And I'm not smart enough to figure out who's right. But there is actually no reason why anyone should have to pick one side or the other. They can adopt a "win-win" strategy and do both. Specifically, I don't live in fear; I rest assured in my salvation. But at the same time I continually work to keep my faith strong. Why would anyone not want to do that? This two-pronged approach covers all the bases. Regardless of who's right, I win!