When I became a Christian in my early thirties, God asked me to make some changes in my home. I clearly saw their value and our need as a family, and I was eager to do them. But my unsaved spouse consistently resisted every one. Never once did she say, "That's a good idea." or "I'm willing to try that out." The biggest area of resistance was praying together as a couple. She fought that hard for more than a decade until I finally stopped asking. When I complained to the Lord, He asked me . . .
"Did you expect it to be easy?"
"Yes I did!!! Everything You asked me to do was good! They would've made our home a better and happier place for everyone! I'm only trying to do what You asked me to do. WHY does she always resist me?"
"It's not you she's resisting, but Me."
All the while my spouse fooled everyone in her church. Every Sunday she washed up, dressed up, brushed up, and showed up. You can fool the public. But how strange to think that you can fool God! My "take-away" from this is that the same mental illness that muddies a persons relationships with other people also muddies their relationship with God. How could it be otherwise? And that is a segue into the "Mental Illness" portion of the website . . .