The Book of Esther is notable in the Bible for not mentioning "God" even once! Instead, it is full of one amazing coincidence after another, all pointing back to the Hand of God. Now fast forward approximately 2,500 years ...
My friend and I were hiking in Savage Gulf during the peak of the spring wildflowers. He mentioned that he planned to visit an elderly woman that evening who was not yet saved, and try to lead her to the Lord. He had gone there before, but she was not receptive.
My motto is: if it's important, don't just talk about it. PRAY! So I said, "Let's pray right now!" And so we began. But our prayer was interrupted by the sound of a falling tree - heading right toward us! We quickly scrambled aside to safety. The tree harmlessly hit the ground several feet away from us. But what are the odds?!!!! We both agreed that this was no coincidence. So we finished our prayer and resumed our hike. The next day I asked my friend how his visit fared.
"She got saved!" he replied. "I told her about the falling tree, and that got her attention! Then I led her to the Lord."
God knew how to get her attention. And He knows how to get your attention too! In this case it was through a perfectly timed "coincidence" that couldn't be attributed to blind chance. God gets our attention in so many diverse ways!!! Through blessings, hardships, the majesty of Creation, starry nights, the intricate design of a snowflake, the birth of a child, the death of a loved one, disruptions, tragedies, Visions, His written logos Word, spoken Rhema words, ... and even a talking Donkey!