1 Timothy 4:1 (NIV) - The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon
the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.
It's time we recognized things for they are. In every war there is propaganda. And it is
no different when it comes to spiritual warfare. The Art of War by Sun Tzu is an ancient
Chinese treatise on military strategy written somewhere between 475 and 221 B.C. It is required
reading at military, business, and law schools in the United States and around the world.
Possibly no book in history better describes how to win conflicts in any profession. Notably, Section I:18 says,
"All warfare is based on deception." Following are some current teachings and beliefs (propaganda) that
I think are from deceiving spirits and demons. If someone is naive enough to believe the enemy's propaganda,
how do you think it will turn out for them?
Demonic activity ceased after the days of the Early Church.
That's what they want you to believe, so they can work unimpeded and always have the element of surprise
on their side.
Gov't funded Abortion
In the OT infanticide was institutionalized as part of their pagan religions. Same demons. Same institutional support.
The enemy's strategy has not changed in thousands of years. The goal is to kill as many humans as possible through
famine, war, disease, and infanticide.
God reveals Himself to people through Creation. Do you think that demons want you to receive His Creation message?
Of course not!
The God of the OT is ANGRY!!! But not to worry - in the NT He's now on prosac.
One of the chief tactics of our enemy is to misrepresent the character of God. This isn't the message
of the Bible. Let the Bible speak for itself. If you accept this low opinion of God, you won't have a right
relationship with Him. Who wins and who loses?
Denigration of marriage and the family.
Throughout history, decay of marriage and the family has been a root cause for the collapse of civilizations.
Who is it that wants America to collapse?
Gender Confusion
Q: How could something so simple and clear become confusing? A: Satan is the master of confusion.
Acceptance of Gov't Over-Reach, Censorship, Social Engineering, Cashless Society, Cryto-currency, Deficit Spending
Who is it that lulls us to sleep when we should be loudly protesting the loss of our freedoms?
The OT is obsolete and no longer relevant.
You cannot fully understand the NT without the OT. So guess who doesn't want you to understand the OT?
The only way God speaks to people in modern time is through His Word.
Hearing God speak to your heart is an incredible boost to your faith1 Guess who doesn't want you to experience this?
Ecumenicism: All religions lead to Heaven.
And when it ends up badly for you after you die, guess who celebrates the loss of your soul?
Heaven is only a consolation prize.
Therefore, your last best chance at happiness is here and now.
If you believe this you will always straddle the fence and never mature as a Christian. Guess who gloats over that?
Widespread acceptance and casual use of drugs.
Who's the one who wants Broken families, Broken marriages, Broken lives. Who wins when drug use abounds?
Lawlessness: Widespread disrespect of law and authority.
Without law and order a country will collapse into chaos. Again, who wins?
Science is at odds with God's Word.
Another lie. There are scientists on both sides of the fence. It all depends on who you talk to.
If you believe this propaganda you may miss out on God - exactly what the enemy wants.
Repentance isn’t required for salvation. You just need to say the prayer.
When you give someone false assurance of salvation they may never get saved for real. Just what the enemy wants!
Universalism: Everyone goes to Heaven . . . regardless.
If so, then there is no point in living a virtuous or Godly life. Until you die and find out (too late!) that you were wrong.
Why would anyone fall for such an obvious trap?
Prosperity Gospel: “Believe and Receive” an abundance in all things material: money, wealth,
possessions, fame, power, prestige, etc.
I can understand the appeal of this propaganda. But what a warped view of God it leads to!
Legalism. A lot of rules and regulations – and following them closely – is what God wants.
How can you become the person God created you to be if you have such a low opinion of Him? You can't!
Sitting in Judgement on God's Word: It is OK to discount the Bible whenever it is contrary to your
reason, experience, or tradition.
It's the parts that rub you the wrong way that are precisely the parts you need to pay attention to.
Otherwise you will stay trapped in your reason, experience, and tradition and never grow to maturity.
Stunted Growth? Exactly what the enemy wants.
I'm sure you can add to the list!